We have successfully installed Shared Substance on both Windows, Mac OS and Linux. To install Shared Substance first check-out the code from svn:
svn co https://substance-env.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/substance-env substance-env
Now it is recommendable to add the substance library's path to you Python path, e.g. in .bash_profile by adding the following lines
PYTHONPATH="<path to substance-env>/src:$PYTHONPATH"
Now install pybonjour which is used for network discovery
cd <path to substance-env>/resources/pybonjour/
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
That should be all, and you should now be able to start one of the examples:
cd <path to substance-env>/examples/basic-sharing/
python master.py
The Shared Substance standard library includes an integration with Apple's Cocoa for rendering simple graphics, displaying images and playback of video. This integration is based on PyObj, and requires, first of all Mac OS X and that Apple's Developer Tools are installed on your mac.
Create a .pth file pointing to (path to substance)/src
Example: echo "/Users/clemens/Substance/src" > substance.pth
Now execute the following command: make alias-install
This will create a Mac binary that can be used to run Cocoa based Shared Substance environments
See e.g. Basic rendering example for an example of using the Cocoa integration